You’ve probably heard the expression, “Put your best foot forward,” but what happens when your feet are tired and sore? It can affect how you walk, which then puts pressure on other parts of your body. The wrong shoes can make matters even worse — think sandals, flip flops, and heels. Not only can unsupportive shoes wreak havoc on your feet, they can cause issues up and down the entire spine. So maybe the expression should really be, “Put your best shoe forward.”

Think about how many steps you take every day and how much time you spend on your feet. If you’re tracking those steps for health reasons, and shooting for a goal of around 10,000 steps a day, that has amazing health benefits. But no one wants those steps to be painful.

Dr. Schuessler and our staff at Pro-Active Medical Center in Niceville, Florida, are all about whole body wellness, from your head to your feet. To get you one step closer to that wellness, including pain-free walking, we offer prescription custom orthotics.

How to know if you need orthotics

There are certain things in life that are worth spending money on, and several good pairs of shoes are one of them. But sometimes a good shoe is not enough, especially if your ligaments, muscles, tendons, and joints or even bones are not aligning and functioning properly. When you have pain or discomfort in your back or the joints of your lower body, this may be an indication that you need orthotics.

You may have seen commercials for over-the-counter orthotics, or even foot stations in pharmacies and department stores. While they do a scan of your feet, and these may be more specific than a regular, one-type-fits-all pair, it’s always best to talk to an expert who can discuss your options. Everyone’s feet and alignment issues are individual and should be addressed as such, so the more specific and accurate the better.

Getting your prescription custom orthotics

Orthotics are a type of insole worn inside your shoe to support the arch and sole of your foot. Prescription custom orthotics take this several steps forward and are made specifically for you. These orthotics can be taken out and worn inside many different pairs of shoes.

When you come in for a visit, Dr. Schuessler goes through your health history and makes sure he understands your issues. Then he takes precise measurements of your feet and determines the type of material that’s best for your orthotics — rigid, flexible or a combination of both. He creates a mold of your feet to make the orthotics especially for you.

Dr. Schuessler recommends custom orthotics if you suffer from issues like Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, or hammertoes. He also suggests orthotics if you have ankle, knee, hip, or lower back pain that may improve with better support for your feet.

Easing into life with your custom orthotics

There will be a period of time it takes to break in and get used to your new orthotics, and you may have some discomfort during this time. Dr. Schuessler recommends that you wear them for a few hours every day for the first week or so and also during whatever exercise you enjoy. Then you can gradually increase the amount of time you wear them every day.

Call Pro-Active Medical Center when you’re ready for your custom orthotic consultation, or book an appointment right here.