Frequently Asked Questions
To help answer some of your most frequently asked questions, we have listed seven questions and answers below for your convenience. Please review them and please feel free contact us if you need more information or have further questions. The information contained within this website is provided for informational purposes only. This page/website is not intended to replace the services of a doctor. It does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this page/website or any related social media is not a substitute for professional advice. Please do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating any condition.
Chiropractic is based on the idea of removing imbalances both structural and postural in an effort to allow our body to heal itself. For this to happen the network of nerves and signals from your brain, down your spinal cord, to the network of nerves must be allowed to flow freely without any interruption. Chiropractors have the ability and skill to remove these interruptions or misalignments and allow the body to perform as it was meant to.
If you’ve ever been in a car accident, played a sport, fell down or just bumped into something too hard, it’s very possible that you are not functioning at your best due to a misalignment. While there are many potential mechanical or structural causes for misalignment, there are also chemical reasons. For instance, if you smoke or drink excessively or even just have a poor diet, the chemical issues in your body can eventually cause underlying conditions and disease to appear.
Allowing a chiropractor to get you back on track both chemically and structurally will bring your body back to the proper state it should be in to perform at its peak.
Going to the Chiropractor is a new experience for many of us. Maybe we’ve heard through a friend or have done some research online. It’s possible that you are just fed up with living in pain and it’s time to do something about it. In either case, your first visit to the chiropractor will really be about getting to know the chiropractor and discussing your history, current condition and goals.
Adjustments, or manipulation as they’re sometimes referred to is the minor movement of vertebrae in the spine. The objective of this movement is to realign vertebrae that have moved out of place for a number of reasons ranging from normal daily activity to trauma such as a car accident.
When these vertebrae are out of place, it has an overall systemic effect from muscular to the central nervous system. Without proper alignment and flow of all nerves and systems in the body from the brain, we can’t function at our peak.
An adjustment is often a pressure from the chiropractor utilizing the hands or an instrument to move vertebrae back into place. This happens with a quick movement and is often without discomfort. You may hear a noise that sounds like you’re cracking your knuckles referred to as joint cavitation. It is the release of gases such as oxygen and nitrogen from the joint.
Chiropractic is an overall way of looking at the human body. It’s based on the idea that the body is self-sustaining and self-healing. The body is in essence completely controlled by the brain through its connection via the spinal cord and the vast networks of nerves that make up the body. When this system is not functioning at its peak, the overall performance of the human body is lacking.
In the chiropractic world, drugs and medicine are not utilized as a form of treating a patient. While supplementation and nutrition are almost always a part of the bigger picture, drugs and prescriptions can be viewed as band-aids to treat symptoms rather than going to the source and treating the real problem.
While it’s often perceived that the chiropractor is solely here to treat back and neck pain, this is simply a small piece of what the profession really is capable of handling. Chiropractors not only treat soft and hard tissue problems such as sciatica and joint pain, but are largely called on to deal with more significant issues. Some of these issues include fibromyalgia, allergies, insomnia, headaches and many more.
When a vertebra becomes misaligned or moves out of its normal position, this is referred to in the chiropractic profession as a subluxation. Subluxations can be caused by a wide range of issues ranging from a minor slip or bump to a car accident or any sudden trauma. When a vertebra is subluxated, it begins to put pressure on nerves, blood vessels and everything around it. This pressure comes with a price. The subluxation interrupts the natural pathways that the messages sent from the brain need to be clear in order to be completed properly.
Seeing a chiropractor is not only for back pain and neck pain. Chiropractic care is an excellent way to keep your body at its peak performance through nutrition, adjustment and overall wellness. In addition, chiropractic care has been known to help a wide range of conditions from fibromyalgia to diabetes.
Chiropractic helps to remove postural imbalances and structural misalignments that can accumulate in our bodies over time. Chiropractic works by restoring your own inborn ability to be healthy. For your body to remain healthy, your nervous system must function well. For your nervous system to function well it must be free of interference. By restoring spinal function with Chiropractic adjustments, nerve interference by misaligned vertebrae is removed, thus allowing optimal nervous system function and improved health.
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The Pro-Active Medical Center team focuses on the individual needs of every patient and works diligently to determine the root cause of a patient’s condition in order to deliver effective conservative treatment to resolve pain and physical dysfunction. Their treatment plans are customized based on the unique needs and concerns of every individual, including patients’ lifestyle and activity goals after recovering from an injury or musculoskeletal condition.
The entire team aims to improve each patient’s quality of life through gentle and effective conservative care methods whenever possible. The continuum of services available at Pro-Active Medical Center enables patients to receive the care they need using treatments with which they’re comfortable throughout their recovery process. This allows for a collaborative approach in which patients can work with their doctors to achieve their health and wellness goals.
The information contained within this website is provided for informational purposes only. This page/website is not intended to replace the services of a doctor. It does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this page/website or any related social media is not a substitute for professional advice. Please do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating any condition.
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“I was at a complete loss on what to do with chronic back pain. Dr Schuessler and his staff are amazing and after a few visits I noticed a significant improvement in mobility and a reduction in my back pain. I had no idea I was so out of alignment.”

“I have suffered from plantar fasciitis for the last 5 years and finally found someone who could help me alleviate my pain. Pro-Active Medical Center helped me get some custom orthotics and now can finally go on enjoyable long walks again.”

“As I local photographer, I am always in need of adjustments due to the amount of equipment I have to carry on a daily basis. I am so thankful for Pro-Active Medical Center. They keep me going when nothing else seemed to help.”